

Our yoga practice prepares our body for the long day of discoveries ahead. By design, we cultivate our Yin nature in the morning by going within, becoming aware of the various tension and flexibility in our bodies on that given day. We explore the stillness of holding postures in Hatha Yoga, as well as the fluidity and grace of movement in Vinyasa Flow. Beginning our day with yoga optimizes our neuroplasticity to get the most out of the rest of that day’s retreat program. If you are new to yoga, you will find the practice incredibly nourishing and surprisingly uplifting. Our teachers provide insightful and gentle guidance and corrections for you to feel safe and supported to explore and expand you body’s natural capacity.


Morning Meditation


At all of our retreats, we begin every day with a morning sitting meditation. This is a way to still the mind before we encounter the complexities and challenges of our work for the day. By maintaining the gap between the mind and the body, we can more expertly observe ourselves and what mental and emotional habits we can release as we move into an experience of unity consciousness. Identifications all come from ideas within the ego-mind; whereas, unity, aka non-duality, is simply a truth. The meditation will be guided by the group facilitator.  

Create memories and connections that will last a lifetime.

Create memories and connections that will last a lifetime.

Our gathering place in Honolulu. In Maunalani Heights, which means, mountain leading up towards Heaven…

Our gathering place in Honolulu. In Maunalani Heights, which means, mountain leading up towards Heaven…

Learn how to dance, connect and move with grace in a Mystic Movement class led by organizer Lena Siemiesz.

Learn how to dance, connect and move with grace in a Mystic Movement class led by organizer Lena Siemiesz.

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